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Technique Consultation and Services

AR-ARC actively involves in the industry development. AR-ARC is the executive director of Artemia Division of China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Association, vice chair of the Chinese Shrimp Seed Industry Innovation Alliance, member of the Shandong Saltpond Artemia and Microalgae Development Engineering Technology Innovation Center, and Hebei Shrimp and Crab Industry Technology Research Institute. AR-ARC is actively participating in Artemia Cysts Standard formulation, investigation of biological resources in Tibet salt lakes and the exploitation of plateau Artemia resources, and supports sustainable development of Artemia industry and National Science and Technology Aid Tibet Program.

l AR-ARC provides qualification service for the biometrics, hatching performance and nutritional value analysis of Artemia

l AR-ARC provides Artemia enrichment techniques for efficient supplementation of prophylactics, therapeutics and essential nutrients to the larvae of aquaculture species using Artemia as a live carrier

l AR-ARC provides techniques for terminating Artemia cysts diapause and processing to improve the hatching performance of Artemia cysts from different origins

l AR-ARC carries out ecological investigation and evaluation regarding brine water physicochemical characteristics and biodiversity 

l AR-ARC provides professional training courses on Artemia cysts processing, hatching and utilization in larviculture



