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Signing Ceremony of Strategic Cooperation Agreement between Microalgae Biotechnology Center of SDIC and TUST was held at TUST

On November 6th, 2018, Tianjin University of Science and Technology (TUST) signed Strategic Cooperation Agreement with the Microalgae Biotechnology Center of SDIC. Both sides had reached common consensus and cooperation intention in student education and joint scientific research, which will facilitate the close cooperation between the two sides, and promote the technical innovation in aspect of microalgae utilization in intensive Artemia culture as well as in aquaculture. Prof. Hu Qiang, the director and chief scientist of Microalgae Biotechnology Center of SDIC, the professor at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, received the letter of appointment for a visiting professor of TUST. Finally, the guests also visited Asian Regional Artemia Reference Center and discussed working plan on the ongoing joint research project.


