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New Artemia Publications v1

1) Hibshman JD, Clegg JS and Goldstein B, 2020. Mechanisms of Desiccation Tolerance: Themes and Variations in Brine Shrimp, Roundworms, and Tardigrades. Front. Physiol. 11:592016. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.592016

2) Sendraa, M., E. Sparaventia, J. Blascoa, I. Moreno-Garridoa & C.V.M. Araujo, 2020. Ingestion and bioaccumulation of polystyrene nanoplastics and their effects on the microalgal feeding of Artemia franciscana. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 188: 1-9

3) Bo Yuan, Yuemin Liu, Xiaojuan Xu, Chunwei Liu, Ying Cao, Lian Ming Wang, Farnaz Mahmoudi Shikhsarmast, 2021. Preliminary study of temperature effect on life span and production potential of a tropical parthenogenetic Artemia form Yinggehai Saltern (Hainan, China). International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, 6 (2): 27-29

4) Jusadi D, Ekasari J, Suprayudi MA, Setiawati M and Fauzi IA, 2021. Potential of Underutilized Marine Organisms for Aquaculture Feeds. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:609471. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.609471

5) Sorgeloos P and Roubach R, 2021. Past, present and future scenarios for SDG-aligned brine shrimp Artemia aquaculture. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter, 63: 55-56

6) N.V. Hoa, L.V. Thong, P. Sorgeloos, 2020. State of the Art of Brine Shrimp Artemia Production in Artisanal Saltworks in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, WORLD AQUACULTURE

7) N.O. Rode, R. Jabbour-Zahab, L. Boyer, É. Flaven, F. Hontoria, G. Van Stappen, F. Dufresne, C. Haag, T. Lenormand, 2021. The origin of asexual brine shrimps, bioRxiv 2021.06.11.448048

